Welcome to shell-utils’s documentation!


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Some helpers to make interacting with the shell easier


pipenv install shell-utils


def test_shell_capture():
    """Test shell output capture."""

    string = 'hello'

    echo_string = shell(f'echo {string}', capture=True)

    assert echo_string.returncode == 0
    assert echo_string.stdout.decode().strip() == string

    to_stderr = shell(f'echo "{string}" >&2', capture=True)

    assert to_stderr.returncode == 0
    assert to_stderr.stderr.decode().strip() == string

def test_shell_raises():
    """Test shell raises."""
    import subprocess as sp

    with pytest.raises(sp.CalledProcessError):
        shell('exit 1')

    assert shell('exit 1', check=False).returncode == 1

def test_env():
    """Test env context manager."""
    import os
    import copy

    original_env = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)
    string = 'world'

    with env(hello=string):
        assert os.environ['hello'] == string

    assert 'hello' not in os.environ
    assert os.environ == original_env

def test_path():
    """Test path context manager."""
    from pathlib import Path
    from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
    import os

    original_path = Path(os.environ['PATH'])

    with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir, path(temp_dir) as new_path:
        temp_dir = Path(temp_dir)

        assert new_path[-1] == temp_dir.__fspath__()
        assert Path(os.environ['PATH']) != original_path

    assert Path(os.environ['PATH']) == original_path

Command Line Interface


  A cli for shell-utils.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

Indices and tables